Posted by on Sep 7, 2024 in Main Courses | 38 comments

How to Make Ebi Fry (Deep Fried Breaded Prawn Recipe) エビフライ 作り方レシピ

How to Make Ebi Fry (Deep Fried Breaded Prawn Recipe) エビフライ 作り方レシピ
4/5 - (1 vote)

Ingredients fo Ebi Fry (serves 2) 海老フライの作り方 字幕表示可
6 Frozen Black Tiger Prawns
A pinch of Salt
1 tbsp Potato Starch

– Batter –
1 Egg
⅔ tbsp Water
2 tbsp Flour
80g Nama Panko – Moist Bread Crumbs (2.82 oz)

– Tartar Sauce –
1 Boiled Egg
2 tbsp Minced Onion
2 tbsp Minced Parsley
1 Small Pickled Cucumber
2 tbsp Mayonnaise
⅙ tsp Salt
2 tsp Lemon Juice

80g Cabbage (2.82 oz)
2 pcs of Parsley
4 Small Tomatoes
2 Lemon Wedges






Ingredientes para Ebi Fry
(Porção para 2)

6 Camarões Tigre Negro Congelados
Uma pitada de Sal
2 colheres de sopa de amido de batata

– Massa –
1 Ovo
10 ml de água
4 colheres de sopa de farinha
80g Nama Panko – Farelo de Pão "húmido"
(É vendido com o nome de Nama Panko)

– Molho Tártaro –
1 Ovo Cozido
4 colheres de cebola em cubinhos
4 colheres de sopa de salsa picada
1 pepino em conserva pequeno
4 colheres de sopa de maionese
1/3 de colher de sopa de Sal
4 colheres de Sumo de Limão

80g de Repolho
2 talos de Salsa
4 Tomates cerejas
2 Fatias de Limão

How to Make Ebi Fry (Deep Fried Breaded Prawn Recipe) エビフライ 作り方レシピ

Ingredients fo Ebi Fry (serves 2) 海老フライの作り方 字幕表示可
6 Frozen Black Tiger Prawns
A pinch of Salt
1 tbsp Potato Starch

- Batter -
1 Egg
⅔ tbsp Water
2 tbsp Flour
80g Nama Panko - Moist Bread Crumbs (2.82 oz)

- Tartar Sauce -
1 Boiled Egg
2 tbsp Minced Onion
2 tbsp Minced Parsley
1 Small Pickled Cucumber
2 tbsp Mayonnaise
⅙ tsp Salt
2 tsp Lemon Juice

80g Cabbage (2.82 oz)
2 pcs of Parsley
4 Small Tomatoes
2 Lemon Wedges






Ingredientes para Ebi Fry
(Porção para 2)

6 Camarões Tigre Negro Congelados
Uma pitada de Sal
2 colheres de sopa de amido de batata

- Massa -
1 Ovo
10 ml de água
4 colheres de sopa de farinha
80g Nama Panko - Farelo de Pão "húmido"
(É vendido com o nome de Nama Panko)

- Molho Tártaro -
1 Ovo Cozido
4 colheres de cebola em cubinhos
4 colheres de sopa de salsa picada
1 pepino em conserva pequeno
4 colheres de sopa de maionese
1/3 de colher de sopa de Sal
4 colheres de Sumo de Limão

80g de Repolho
2 talos de Salsa
4 Tomates cerejas
2 Fatias de Limão

38 Responses to “How to Make Ebi Fry (Deep Fried Breaded Prawn Recipe) エビフライ 作り方レシピ”

  1. Aphroditexx says:

    I made this tonight for my Japanese husband thta was absolutely craving
    this and your easy directions made even this cooking newbie foreigner into
    a hit!
    Thank you!

    (I was so freaked out removing the shells and the veins.. But, I did it!)

  2. scarlett poisons says:

    I learned how to make his from Cooking Mama

  3. akamouse100 says:

    7:38 Dog is like I know you see me sitting here and you gonna act like you
    don’t see me. Please let me have a piece, i’m dying for a sample XD

  4. Fadhly Sukawidjaja says:

    wait.. why do you need potato starch and salt if you’re going to wash them
    off anyway??

  5. Tabitha Akers says:

    You might want to touch the raw prawn with a bit of your hand first. I can
    eat and touch cooked prawns but I didn’t realise i had and allergy when
    touching raw prawns. So if you’ve never handled raw prawns before I’d test
    it on a small bit of skin first.

    • 1Alethiometer says:

      +1Alethiometer Yup there are toxins in not only salt water shrimp but
      freshwater as well I think the shrimp I mentioned above were freshwater
      hence the poop chute..I found this site The
      stuff the FDA allows is shocking Many of my food issues went away once I
      got organic and went steroid, hormone, and antibiotic free foods, Non GMO
      and grass fed and other properly feed livestock Shame on our Government..go

    • 1Alethiometer says:

      +Tabitha Akers Careful when you remove the sharp bit if that liquid gets in
      your eye, it will swell like crazy and burn like mad… its weird I have no
      allergies to shrimp or any shell fish, but my eye swelled shut and I ended
      up in the ER I should research if its a toxin in any way…I just
      remembered I poked my finger once and it too swelled up THANK YOU I just
      put 2 and 2 together Also if using farm raised shrimp the poop chute is
      much smaller and its mushie its like doing surgery to remove it and often
      you have to cut down the entire back, which is okay easier to flatten but
      less crispness This is way to long sorry

    • Lpscheetah8998cat says:

      Thank you, I’m going to be making nigiri (shrimp/prawn sushi) and this new
      information really helps:)

  6. Annabelle Edwards says:

    I would imagine you can also use shrimp too?

  7. Octaniel (Nightcore) says:

    Thank you very much for this recipe! I am huge on Asian culture and have
    been practicing making meals. My girlfriend came over yesterday and she is
    the first person I have ever cooked for. I was nervous, but it turned out
    well and she loved it! <3

  8. suga syub says:

    what kind of flour? just plain flour?

  9. xxRakuen says:

    The dog is just staring at it like ” Let me taste it! I’m the chef ! it’s
    my recipe!”

  10. chidrole chidrole says:

    I wanted to hear the narrator say ” real lemon “

  11. SJBrown2210 says:

    I literally just realized that the voice giving instructions is supposed to
    be the dog…

  12. Citlalli Rodriguez says:

    I was going to make it, but prawns are surprisingly expensive.I used shrimp

  13. Lapine DZ says:

    into a bowl

  14. Amanda C says:

    How come you don’t have a normal prawn tempura recipe?

  15. Rosi Rose says:

    poor dog ?

  16. Zeynep Bal says:

    and also thanks to show how to clean the shrimps in detail. <3

  17. Carlos Alonso says:

    these old whomen how can cooking with the dog in the try

  18. Joy Derp says:


  19. Catherine Dewar says:

    Yum thank you for this delicious way of making egg tartar sauce especially
    the way to prepare the chopped onion before adding to the boiled chopped
    egg and the way you prepare the lettuce in ice water and spinning dry as
    side salad …love it thanks again also the way prawns are prepared for
    frying in bread crumbs …yum… thank you! Japanese are good at preparing
    prawns dishes and sauces too!