Redneck Delicasy!
We had that in Taiwan, but we don’t use batter and we stuff them with sweet potato.
“we gone frie us a cricket” trust rednecks to start deep frying animals and insects. freaks.
errrrr theres deep fried fish, burgers, sausages etc etc what do you think they are all made out of ha ha
lol, “ok there crickets might aswell eat em of the ground” hahaha, look at how they eat them stupid inbred fucks.
No more freaky than eating a shrimp or a crab.
no more freaky than eating shrip or crab? YES IT IS ITS A FUCKING INSECT
dam one guy looks like tibalt or tibult or tibalt from romeo and juliet.
Awesome. So what do they taste like?
a tribute to Beavis and Butthead
Damn They are Damn Good
I’m amazed. I wish I had your guts to eat that. =3
oh god all we need is more red necks on youtube
hell, what madness is this? go to cambodia, don’t make it in your backyard!!!
How do they taste?
Bear Grylls, Cody Lundin and Les Stroud would have laughed at you guys 😀
They may not be ‘kosher’ but they’re definitely CLEAN FOOD according to scripture. How do you kill em before you cook em?
Ah the things 16 year olds do out of boredom….Haven’t eaten any since. Hard to believe this was 7 years ago.
rednecks can’t spell “delicacy”
you guys are fairly attractive.
no homo tho
We had that in Taiwan, but we don’t use batter and we stuff them with sweet
“we gone frie us a cricket” trust rednecks to start deep frying animals and
insects. freaks.
errrrr theres deep fried fish, burgers, sausages etc etc what do you think
they are all made out of ha ha
lol, “ok there crickets might aswell eat em of the ground” hahaha, look at
how they eat them stupid inbred fucks.
No more freaky than eating a shrimp or a crab.
no more freaky than eating shrip or crab? YES IT IS ITS A FUCKING INSECT
dam one guy looks like tibalt or tibult or tibalt from romeo and juliet.
Awesome. So what do they taste like?
a tribute to Beavis and Butthead
Damn They are Damn Good
I’m amazed. I wish I had your guts to eat that. =3
oh god all we need is more red necks on youtube
hell, what madness is this? go to cambodia, don’t make it in your
How do they taste?
Bear Grylls, Cody Lundin and Les Stroud would have laughed at you guys 😀
They may not be ‘kosher’ but they’re definitely CLEAN FOOD according to
scripture. How do you kill em before you cook em?
Ah the things 16 year olds do out of boredom….Haven’t eaten any since.
Hard to believe this was 7 years ago.
rednecks can’t spell “delicacy”
you guys are fairly attractive.
no homo tho