You as an individual, Have a choice as to what you put in your mouth, no
one put a gun to your head and said, eat crap until you double your size or
die, You want to be fat then stuff your mouth with crap, or eat a choice of
foods in moderation, I eat burgers, candy etc, I am not over weight..
America : land of the fat bumbling scumfucks and diabetus
Do they have those with diet pepsi?
You as an individual, Have a choice as to what you put in your mouth, no
one put a gun to your head and said, eat crap until you double your size or
die, You want to be fat then stuff your mouth with crap, or eat a choice of
foods in moderation, I eat burgers, candy etc, I am not over weight..
yet. 🙂
how does that taste i cant image what they taste lke at all
Try deep fried coke. Pepsi sux
+king miles what about coca cola life.
I like both Pepsi and Coca-Cola. I wouldn’t mind being deep fried.
You can’t beat the Beetus.
God bless america.
one word….diabetus
deep fried diet pepsi… possible ?!
pepsi power by Fattern
no gloves??
Whats the Song?
I expected an icecube made of pepsi in a batter, which then got deep fried.
Son I’m dissapoint.
Is that Venice Beach?
So they are like tiny pepsi flavoured doughnuts with a toothpick attached?
I’d have to taste one to be sure.