Posted by on Sep 8, 2024 in Fried What??? | 29 comments

Deep Fried Subway

Deep Fried Subway
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Deep Fried Whaaaaat?! Episode 19. For this episode we answered your vote and attempted to make deep fried subway edible.
Music provided by:
Roger Mendez:

In this series we are dedicated to deep frying every food we can find. Do you have a suggestion for an episode? Let us know!

In order we did:
Ham Egg & Cheese Breakfast sub on Flatbread
Tuna Salad Sub
Pepperoni Pizza
Meatball & Pepperoni Melt
Oatmeal Raisan Cookie

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Cult Moo © 2013
CultMoo is in no way associated with the product(s) featured on our show

Deep Fried Subway

Deep Fried Whaaaaat?! Episode 19. For this episode we answered your vote and attempted to make deep fried subway edible.
Music provided by:
Roger Mendez:

In this series we are dedicated to deep frying every food we can find. Do you have a suggestion for an episode? Let us know!

In order we did:
Ham Egg & Cheese Breakfast sub on Flatbread
Tuna Salad Sub
Pepperoni Pizza
Meatball & Pepperoni Melt
Oatmeal Raisan Cookie

Please like/sub/favorite if you enjoyed this video!

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Cult Moo © 2013
CultMoo is in no way associated with the product(s) featured on our show

29 Responses to “Deep Fried Subway”

  1. SiLenT366 says:

    You definitely fucked up the batter in this one.

  2. Rally Monster says:

    That kitchen floor has seen more food than a 3rd world country.

  3. BigTimeReview says:

    I have watched almost every DFW more than 10 times. I love this one because
    Subway is just sex in my mouth.

  4. Nicole nothing says:

    how much do you guys spend on food? I love watching your vids. keep it up,
    you guys are hilarious

  5. Ryan Dickerson says:

    Subway isn’t that good, but it is affordable and their spokesperson is a
    child molester, so I guess it kind of evens out.

  6. malcolm bennett says:

    Subways tuna is just chunky mayo that smells like fish…

  7. Super saiyan god super saiyan Mystic super saiyan 4 says:

    how does it feels to be drunk 24/7?

  8. Jad Abou Saleh says:

    You eat all of this deep fried food yet you are still in normal shape. What
    kind of sorcery is this? Tell us what your secrets behold…O.o

  9. TheLulzbatRises says:

    Watching the newer episodes he definitely lost weight.

  10. Ashley Davis says:

    So I’m just creepin’ through all your guys’ deep fried videos and shiiiit.
    So hungry.

  11. Autumn DeWilde says:

    omg this is like food porn!

  12. Anthony Ridenour says:

    moral of the story don’t get drunk and watch yall, woo hospital visit (I’m
    alright lol)

  13. Anthony Ridenour says:

    moral of the story don’t get drunk and watch yall, woo hospital visit (I’m
    alright lol)

  14. fingrid says:

    I lol’d at the “orphan tears.” :)

  15. Jacob Frick says:

    These guys are so gone lol

  16. carlos angulo says:

    Jared would not approve, but then again I don’t approve of Jared anymore.
    Fry them bitches up!

  17. Wilkie Baggins says:

    these guys are uncomfortably weird but i cant stop watching their

  18. beatlesfan675 says:


  19. Laiya Jade says:

    That sounded like bruh