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Texas Best – Chicken Fried Steak (Texas Country Reporter)

Texas Best – Chicken Fried Steak (Texas Country Reporter)
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See which restaurant you voted as Texas Best chicken fried steak. To cast your vote for the Texas Best polls visit

1. Mary's Cafe (Strawn)
2. Jake & Dorothy's (Stephenville)
3. The Gristmill (Greune)

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TCR #1305, 09-01-2012

Texas Best - Chicken Fried Steak (Texas Country Reporter)

See which restaurant you voted as Texas Best chicken fried steak. To cast your vote for the Texas Best polls visit

1. Mary's Cafe (Strawn)
2. Jake & Dorothy's (Stephenville)
3. The Gristmill (Greune)

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TCR #1305, 09-01-2012

27 Responses to “Texas Best – Chicken Fried Steak (Texas Country Reporter)”

  1. Thai-Anh Nguyen says:

    Nice datejust.

  2. Mike ANGEL says:

    ooh yes i love TEXAS i miss TEXAS is the Best. when it COMES to meat IT’S
    the 100% Best i LOVE TEXAS.

  3. I dindu nuffin WE WUZ KIINNGGZZ says:

    I prefer chicken fried chicken

  4. 5stringbass says:

    The chicken fried steak was invented in a town called lamesa, that’s about
    60 miles south of Lubbock texas, lamesa texas is where it all started and
    that is where the best chicken fried steak is at and that’s just fact, look
    it up if you don’t believe me.

  5. mike bethune says:

    Good steak,but who taught them to make gravy? 

  6. craveDFW says:

    Funny enough they are featuring Mary’s Cafe in Strawn, but at :55 they
    stole my photo of a CFS I snapped in Dallas.

  7. David SB says:

    goodson’s in tomball, hands down. heck in the old days, rich wildcaters
    flew in on their helicopters to get a CFS from Ma Goodson.

    • Philip Folmsbee says:

      +David SB I used to like that one till I had the one at the Ranch Hand Cafe
      in Clevlend , TX. It was the best I ever had.

  8. omar alvarez says:

    You missed the BEST Goodmans in Tomball,Texas ………………..

  9. Fred “Movie Watcher” Flintstone says:

    T-Bone Tom’s in Kemah, TX.

    • Philip Folmsbee says:

      +Fred “Movie Watcher” Flintstone That one is terrible. Go down the road to
      Galveston to Miller’s Grill on the Sea Wall. Puts T-Bone Tom’s to shame

  10. Felix Sanchez says:

    I prefer lulu’s cafe in San Antonio. with the mashed potatoes and fried
    okra!! Pass the Hot Sauce!!!!!

  11. Clare N. says:

    Good chicken fried steak on way to Fredericksburg, in Johnson City, TX-Hill
    Country Cupboard.

  12. Nidia Alejandre says:

    moms country kitchen in Houston is the best..

  13. David Hastie says:

    I don’t remember where it was, but the best place put a cookie in the shape
    of Texas on top. It might have been around La Grange back when ‘the ranch’
    operated. Or I might be thinking of the Bon Ton Rest.?

  14. oldtimeswings says:

    No, no, no, Bob. You’ve got it all wrong! The BEST chicken fried steak in
    Texas is at the Cattleman’s Cafe in Blue Ridge. :)

  15. Mandy Moore says:

    not worth the drive to eat this! large portion for the money, but not even
    close to being good chicken fried steak. i rate this at the bottom of the
    cfs totem pole. if you want a great cfs, go to cowtown in ft.worth and
    find out what a great one taste like at H3 steakhouse!

  16. Thomas Long says:

    Australia got nothing on texas food!

  17. Ultra2005 says:

    Mary’s is the BEST! Many other great Chicken Fries around Texas but, sorry
    5stringbass, Mary’s is best and that’s just the fact. Fellow in Bandera
    says he invented it (I looked it up like you said) so, like the location
    of Billy the Kid I guess no one knows for sure. But the Chicken fries in
    Texas are all great, well maybe not all but most are.

  18. pastrami1945 says:

    Goodson;s in Tomball is the best! Their CFS will melt in your mouth, and
    their yeast biscuits are great, too!

  19. k2thebourbon says:

    Texas Best Rybye steak the drugstore and harvard hotel Fort Davis, TX